Mac OS X only: Freeware application Jiggler keeps your Mac from going to sleep at inopportune times. Everything you need to know about and expect during the most important election of our lifetimes. SmoothScroll will give your mouse wheel (Chrome, Word, OneNote, text editors, PDF, etc.) buttery smooth scrolling. Give it a spin 😉 SmoothScroll is a one man show. I put in the hard work because I belive in superior user experiences. The software 'ShareMouse' lets you control multiple computers from a single mouse and keyboard: Move the mouse to the monitor of the computer you wish to control and the pointer magically jumps to that computer. Any mouse and keyboard input is transmitted to the corresponding computer. Auto detected OS. Show All Downloads. Product Specific Phone Numbers. Business Support Home Support Home Downloads & Apps. This free software for Mac OS X is a product of Alex Zielenski. Mousecape for Mac is categorized as System Tools. This Mac download was checked by our antivirus and was rated as safe. The most recent installer that can be downloaded is 263 KB in size. The latest version of the program can be installed on Mac OS X 10.9 or later. There's also a free app called Karabiner Elements. It can be used for various mappings, including keyboard and mouse. Get it from: I've been using it successfully since getting a mac. With this you can add a 'Complex Modification' from their site. I found one for back and forward functionality.
Ok, I've been annoyed by this since the very first day I've been using my Mac Mini: the mouse feels weird, very weird. Broken actually!
Part of my problem was the Bluetooth operating range, which I could only fix by moving the mac nearer to where I usually use my mouse in my living room.
However, the core problem is still the acceleration curve. When you move the mouse on OSX, it first moves verrrry slowly, so you move it faster and when you reach a certain speed the mouse suddenly accelerates like crazy.
This is not controllable through the 'tracking speed' slider in the control panel. The tracking speed is only the fastest the mouse will go. (And you can actually make it go even faster!) But my problem is not with how fast it would eventually get. My problem is with how freaking slow it initially starts (even at max traking speed).
Apple's been stubbornly unresponsive to this problem, as they always are, especially when the mouse is at stake (took them 10 years to aknowlege the need for a right button... good luck with acceleration!)
Fortunately, since the last time I checked (errr... 2005 :roll:), third party fixes now work well on intel Macs.
Check these out:
- USB Overdrive (no bluetooth support, but you can try it as long as you need)
- SteerMouse (15 days trial only but it can handle the bluetooth Mighty mouse)
Since I'm trying to do some desk work right now and have a wired mouse, I'm currently and happily using USB Overdrive with these settings:
- Speed: 120 dpi (feels like Windows fast ;))
- Acceleration: 50% (no longer feels like sticking to the mouse pad ;))
I'll try SteerMouse when I go back to 'Media Player' configuration...