Mac Photos App Highlights Shadows

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Last year, the concept of HDR photos became more mainstream when Apple added it to the camera app in iOS 4.1. Now, users searching the Mac App Store store for HDR apps are met with a wide range of.

  1. New Photos App For Mac
  2. Mac Photos App Highlights Shadows Dark
  3. Photos App For Mac
  4. Mac Photos App Highlights Shadows Without

The Shadow/Highlight command is one method for correcting photos with silhouetted images due to strong backlighting or correcting subjects that have been slightly washed out because they were too close to the camera flash. The adjustment can also be used for brightening areas of shadow in an otherwise well‑lit image. The Shadow/Highlight command does not simply lighten or darken an image; it lightens or darkens based on the surrounding pixels (local neighborhood) in the shadows or highlights. For this reason, there are separate controls of the shadows and the highlights. The defaults are set to fix images with backlighting problems.

The Shadow/Highlight command also has a Midtone Contrast slider, Black Clip option, and White Clip option for adjusting the overall contrast of the image, and a Color Correction slider for adjusting saturation.


Adjusting Shadows and Highlights in Photos Two of the most useful adjust controls in Photos are the Shadows and Highlights adjustments. You can bring out detail in dark or bright portions of a photo without changing the rest. An overall light adjustment slider also can bring out the real color of a photo. The label on the bar underneath the photo should tell you which tool you choose, in this case it should read Shadows. Under this label is a number which value will change as you change the effect of the tool. You can change the effect of the tool by swiping your finger left or right on the photo. Swiping left means decreasing the effect,. The only downside to the Shadows/Highlights command is that when you first launch it, you'll see only two sliders; one for the shadows and one for the highlights. These sliders, on their own, don't always do the best job. The real power of Shadows/Highlights lies in its advanced options that, for whatever reason, are hidden from us by default. But photos does not have brushes to lighten individual shadows, like Aperture had. If the Shadows&Highlight sliders are not visible, open a photo in 'Edit' mode, click the Adjustments button, then click the disclosure arrow to the right of 'light' to reveal the advanced controls: If you need tor remove an individual shadow, try the 'retouch.

Keep in mind that the Shadow/Highlight command applies adjustments directly to the image and will discard image information. For nondestructive image editing, it is recommended that you use adjustment layers or Camera Raw. See Adjustment and fill layers and Introduction to Camera Raw.

Original image, and Shadow/Highlight Correction applied

  1. Make sure that the Preview option is selected in the dialogbox if you want the image to be updated as you make adjustments.

  2. Adjust the amount of lighting correction by moving theAmount slider or entering a value in the Shadows or Highlights percentagebox. Larger values provide either greater lightening of shadowsor greater darkening of highlights. You can adjust both Shadowsand Highlights in an image.
  3. For finer control, select Show More Options tomake the additional adjustments.


    To increase shadow detail in an otherwise well-exposedimage, try values in the 0-25% range for Shadows Amount and ShadowsTonal Width.

  4. (Optional) Click the Save As Defaultsbutton to save your current settings and make them the default settingsfor the Shadow/Highlights command. To restore the original defaultsettings, hold down the Shift key while clicking the SaveAs Defaults button.


    You can reuse Shadow/Highlight settingsby clicking the Save button to save the current settings to a fileand later using the Load button to reload them. For more informationon saving and loading settings, see Saveadjustment settings.

Controls (separately for the highlight and shadow values in the image) how much of a correction to make.


Extreme Amount values may lead to a crossover, where what started as a highlight becomes darker than something that started as a shadow; this can make the adjusted images look ‘unnatural’.

Controls the range of tones in the shadows or highlights that are modified. Smaller values restrict the adjustments to the darker regions for shadow correction and the lighter regions for highlight correction. Larger values increase the range of tones that are adjusted further into the midtones. For example, at 100% the shadow tonal width slider affects the shadows the most, the midtones are partially affected, but the brightest highlights are not affected. Tonal width varies from image to image. Too large a value may introduce halos around dark or light edges. The default settings attempt to reduce these artifacts. Halos may also occur when the Shadow or Highlight Amount values are too large.


Tonal Width is set to 50% by default. If you find that you are trying to lighten a dark subject but the midtones or lighter regions are changing too much, try reducing Shadow Tone Width toward zero so that only the darkest regions are lightened. If, however, you want to brighten the midtones as well as the shadows, increase Shadows Tonal Width toward 100%

Controls the size of the local neighborhood around each pixel.Neighboring pixels are used to determine whether a pixel is in theshadows or highlights. Moving the slider to the left specifies asmaller area, and moving it to the right specifies a larger area.The optimum local neighborhood size depends on the image. It’s bestto experiment with the adjustment. If the radius is too large, theadjustment tends to brighten (or darken) the whole image ratherthan brightening the subject only. It’s best to set the radius toroughly the size of the subjects of interest in the image. Experimentwith different Radius settings to obtain the best balance betweensubject contrast and differential brightening (or darkening) ofthe subject compared to the background.

Adjusts the brightness in a grayscale image. This adjustmentis available only for grayscale images. Moving the Brightness sliderto the left darkens a grayscale image, and moving the slider tothe right lightens a grayscale image.


Adjusts the contrast in the midtones. Move the slider tothe left to reduce the contrast and to the right to increase thecontrast. You can also enter a value in the Midtone Contrast box.A negative value reduces contrast, and a positive value increasescontrast. Increasing midtone contrast produces greater contrastin the midtones while tending to darken the shadows and lightenthe highlights.

Specifies how greatly the shadows and highlights are clippedto the new extreme shadow (level 0) and highlight (level 255) colors inthe image. Larger values produce an image with greater contrast.Be careful not to make the clipping values too large, because doingso reduces detail in the shadows or highlights (the intensity valuesare clipped and rendered as pure black or pure white).

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The Shadow/Highlight command is one method for correcting photos with silhouetted images due to strong backlighting or correcting subjects that have been slightly washed out because they were too close to the camera flash. The adjustment can also be used for brightening areas of shadow in an otherwise well‑lit image. The Shadow/Highlight command does not simply lighten or darken an image; it lightens or darkens based on the surrounding pixels (local neighborhood) in the shadows or highlights. For this reason, there are separate controls of the shadows and the highlights. The defaults are set to fix images with backlighting problems.

The Shadow/Highlight command also has a Midtone Contrast slider, Black Clip option, and White Clip option for adjusting the overall contrast of the image, and a Color Correction slider for adjusting saturation.


Keep in mind that the Shadow/Highlight command applies adjustments directly to the image and will discard image information. For nondestructive image editing, it is recommended that you use adjustment layers or Camera Raw. See Adjustment and fill layers and Introduction to Camera Raw.

Original image, and Shadow/Highlight Correction applied

  1. Make sure that the Preview option is selected in the dialogbox if you want the image to be updated as you make adjustments.

  2. Adjust the amount of lighting correction by moving theAmount slider or entering a value in the Shadows or Highlights percentagebox. Larger values provide either greater lightening of shadowsor greater darkening of highlights. You can adjust both Shadowsand Highlights in an image.
  3. For finer control, select Show More Options tomake the additional adjustments.


    To increase shadow detail in an otherwise well-exposedimage, try values in the 0-25% range for Shadows Amount and ShadowsTonal Width.

  4. (Optional) Click the Save As Defaultsbutton to save your current settings and make them the default settingsfor the Shadow/Highlights command. To restore the original defaultsettings, hold down the Shift key while clicking the SaveAs Defaults button.


    You can reuse Shadow/Highlight settingsby clicking the Save button to save the current settings to a fileand later using the Load button to reload them. For more informationon saving and loading settings, see Saveadjustment settings.

Controls (separately for the highlight and shadow values in the image) how much of a correction to make.


New Photos App For Mac

Extreme Amount values may lead to a crossover, where what started as a highlight becomes darker than something that started as a shadow; this can make the adjusted images look ‘unnatural’.

Controls the range of tones in the shadows or highlights that are modified. Smaller values restrict the adjustments to the darker regions for shadow correction and the lighter regions for highlight correction. Larger values increase the range of tones that are adjusted further into the midtones. For example, at 100% the shadow tonal width slider affects the shadows the most, the midtones are partially affected, but the brightest highlights are not affected. Tonal width varies from image to image. Too large a value may introduce halos around dark or light edges. The default settings attempt to reduce these artifacts. Halos may also occur when the Shadow or Highlight Amount values are too large.


Mac Photos App Highlights Shadows Dark

Tonal Width is set to 50% by default. If you find that you are trying to lighten a dark subject but the midtones or lighter regions are changing too much, try reducing Shadow Tone Width toward zero so that only the darkest regions are lightened. If, however, you want to brighten the midtones as well as the shadows, increase Shadows Tonal Width toward 100%

Controls the size of the local neighborhood around each pixel.Neighboring pixels are used to determine whether a pixel is in theshadows or highlights. Moving the slider to the left specifies asmaller area, and moving it to the right specifies a larger area.The optimum local neighborhood size depends on the image. It’s bestto experiment with the adjustment. If the radius is too large, theadjustment tends to brighten (or darken) the whole image ratherthan brightening the subject only. It’s best to set the radius toroughly the size of the subjects of interest in the image. Experimentwith different Radius settings to obtain the best balance betweensubject contrast and differential brightening (or darkening) ofthe subject compared to the background.

Adjusts the brightness in a grayscale image. This adjustmentis available only for grayscale images. Moving the Brightness sliderto the left darkens a grayscale image, and moving the slider tothe right lightens a grayscale image.

Photos App For Mac

Adjusts the contrast in the midtones. Move the slider tothe left to reduce the contrast and to the right to increase thecontrast. You can also enter a value in the Midtone Contrast box.A negative value reduces contrast, and a positive value increasescontrast. Increasing midtone contrast produces greater contrastin the midtones while tending to darken the shadows and lightenthe highlights.

Specifies how greatly the shadows and highlights are clippedto the new extreme shadow (level 0) and highlight (level 255) colors inthe image. Larger values produce an image with greater contrast.Be careful not to make the clipping values too large, because doingso reduces detail in the shadows or highlights (the intensity valuesare clipped and rendered as pure black or pure white).

Mac Photos App Highlights Shadows Without

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